Friday, June 15, 2007

Stupid Escheresque Dilemmas!

The problem with studying TATV for clues as to Trip's being Not.Dead is that it just doesn't work if you see it as a holoprogram. Unless of course this is almost an easter egg the meticulous historian can discover when running this program (which assumes Trip's lack of actual death is known in Riker's time). These historical holoprograms would only have any real accuracy if there were constant cams recording folk allowing future holoprogrammers reconstruction opportunity.

If it were really that accurate I imagine it would be a terrible temptation to spend your life on a holodeck with someone you loved who had died. I think if you did spend time with a program of them it would seem stilted and odd and not really connect to you the way the real person did.

Even though I think that the future holoprogram aspect of TATV was a nice and interesting touch (I suspect I'm the only fan who feels this way) I would much rather be working with the real source material and not have the nagging "this is just a program" feel to the final episode of such a fine series.

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